Converting this clip so I could post it took all the resolution out of it (when I watch it in iPhoto is looks great) but you get the general idea. It is hard to tell, but in the first part of the clip there are some good sized bumps with fresh snow on them, and the slope is a bit steep. In the second part, a couple of days later, you see Jameson coming down a shoot, followed by Grandpa. Tim brings up the rear, but stops at the top.
Notably absent from this picture: Linda (broken leg) Desiree (ski school) Mom (altitude sickness) Jennifer (general lameness) Torsten (tired of being on skis) Jamie (scheduling mistake) California Armos (better come next time)
Linda and Tim's place. Thanks so much for having us up. We promise to come back and leave big messes everywhere. Heal up Linda! We want to ski with you.