Friday, April 22, 2011

The Park

18 month check up: 85% in height, 25% in weight. I guess we need to give him more soda pop in his sippy cup. Actually, the pediatrician says he's perfect. He knows a bunch of hand signs ("bird" is his favorite) but still only speaks a few words. Sibling rivalry is in full bloom.

Palm Sunday

No training wheels

Soccer 2011

Our team is the Wildcats. Jameson is the best goalie on the team. Although he is in the 3-5 year old league, we appear to be the only team without a couple of seven year olds.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Found this guy by the front door in the morning. Jameson took it to school for the day, and we let it go before dinner.

Assault catapult

Tommy fabbed out this war making device for Jameson.