Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Newsflash (Sibel Edmonds)

The traditional U.S. media is a collection of self-interested businesses owned and staffed by crazed egomaniacs. It is not a "fourth branch" dedicated to serving the public interest.

Again, American reporters knew all of this in 2002. They knew that there were spies in the Pentagon and the State Department who were enabling the theft of military and intelligence secrets, and they knew that the Pentagon and the FBI were actively involved in covering it up.

For one reason or other - incompetence or complicity - not a single American journalist followed up on the important issues in the 60 Minutes report and the Washington Post, and we didn't learn about any of this in the US media in 2002. Instead, we are 'learning' it in 2008 from the British press - and still the US media refuses to publish it, which leads me to believe that the American media is not 'incompetent' but rather 'complicit.'

For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets

FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft

Found in Translation: FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.

Covering Up the Coverage: The American Media's Failure to Report on the Sibel Edmonds Case

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