Friday, February 8, 2008

Election thoughts from Jim Armogida

Jim sent this email out to the family one month ago today. Edwards, of course, has dropped out since then, but everything else is still in play on the Dem side.

Well, it appears clear now that what is happening is a fight between the insiders of the Democratic Party (who back Hillary) and the ones who are sick of the way the Party has been run and want to retire them.

That is also what is happening at the national level—the insiders there [both Democratic Party and Republican Party] have to go, in order to wrest the power away from the lobbyists, the special interests, and the self-serving politicians who have been more concerned with themselves than the interests of the country and its citizens.

The few times this kind of struggle has occurred, the insiders have always won. I hope that doesn’t happen this time.

When Edwards (whom I am really getting more interested in--- belatedly joining Jimmy L) was asked the difference between him and Obama, he said that Obama believes you need to (or can) negotiate workable compromises with the special interest groups, etc., whereas Edwards doesn’t think that works and you simply have to fight them. I’m with Edwards on that—the insiders (and the way they have structured and support things) need to be thrown out and there really has to be new approaches and a radical overhaul of the way our government and Party is run.

I guess the dream ticket for me at this point is Obama for President and Edwards or Bloomberg for Vice President. I hope to hell that Obama has the guts not to simply become another insider or too much of a compromiser, and to be wiser about actually solving many of the problems rather than adding to them or continuing to suffer the status quo.

A good restart for the Party would be to get rid of Pelosi and Reid as Democratic Party leaders as soon as possible—they have really screwed things up so far, and have shown what the typical political insider is and does.

Look for massive efforts on Hillary’s behalf by the insider group—they do NOT want to lose any of the power, influence and deference they believe they so justly deserve.

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