Sunday, March 2, 2008

Garden Blogging VIII

At long last, the garden is finished. At least, the beds are complete. Merry Christmas Dez. My thanks to Tellepsen Landscaping, and Marc, for the original plan and the many answers to endless questions. Also thanks to Jen and Dad for pitching in on muscle work, and to Birgitta and Tommy for babysitting from time to time so I could work on it. It has been a fun project, and we will enjoy the rewards of it for a long time. I hope to put in other elements of the original design at some point in the near future, but first I need to catch up on grading and the rest of the yard work.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that garden is incredible! Great concept and work. Very impressive, bro!

James Langston said...

Thanks for saying so. I can't take too much credit for the concept, though I put in a bit of that. There was a fair amount of learning while doing too. I can take credit for work though. I worked.

jbradb said...

Looks great! A lot of hard work. Can't wait for an organic salad.

James Langston said...

There should be plenty of those. Believe it or not, Dez's radishes are already about ready to eat.