Monday, March 17, 2008

Kos at DailyKos

Kos (Markos Moulitsas Zuniga) the creator and owner of the Democratic website, Daily Kos, has a post up responding to a "strike" at the site by Clinton supporters angry about the pro-Obama tilt there. Mostly, readers at the site are bored and frustrated with the "candidate" posts in general, and wish more posts were "rec'd" that discussed issues like the economy, FISA, Iraq, health care, local elections, etc.. I always look for posts on the economy by "bonddad" and "jerome a paris," and FISA posts by "mcjoan."

Most responses to the "strike" have been to mock it, and the whole thing has been pretty goofy, but Kos's response gets at some of the reasons Clinton has not been popular there.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Jimmy, she voted for the war.

If her opponent was a head of lettuce on a stick, the Kossaks would scream, "At least the head of lettuce didn't vote for the Iraq War!"

And Obama is no head of lettuce.


James Langston said...

Howdy Joe. You say "but," and then go on to make the exact point Kos makes. Hey, you and Kos think alike! She also voted for the resolution classifying the Iranian Gaurd as a terrorist organization. Kos's response specifically brings up that vote and the AUMF vote as reasons she is disliked there. There are several good reasons he goes through.

Screaming, snarking, discussing. It's all there. "Pie fights" among kossaks, however, are mocked and discouraged, even though there are plenty of them.

The Obama speech on race/Wright was impressive. Kos points out that he is popular at the site for stronger reasons than not having voted for AUMF. Look at the reasons he gives for his support. Obama's tactics (50 state) and goals, to large degree, mirror those of the site. Even so, if you read many of the pro-Obama diaries, he is typically described as an imperfect candidate.

Edwards was a favorite there, as he most closely shared its values and goals. All that said, kossaks will generally get behind Clinton if she becomes the nominee, which I'm sure you already know.

James Langston said...

Of course, she won't be the nominee.